Merritt Abbott

Miqo'ra | 7'2" | Dragoon/Fisher
Aether 🌱 Cactuar


Merritt grew up in the woods of east shroud near New Gradania.
quiet, enjoys nature and fishing. bad at saying no when people ask for help.




younger brother association



wants to follow around



cursh u_u



younger brother association



worried about



older sister association



Ohhh you care about me soo much















Fellow Wols


so loud and energetic(cute)



fellow boy



please pay your
fc rent.



lets fish









wow big



please wear
more clothes


Currently : Beginning of ShadowBringers

full bio and journaled log

wol questions of the day

Playlists, moodboards, etc

Family Information

none yet lol



Miqo'te | 5'7" | Archer

Lives in the forests near Gradania. He is a chipper and excitable hunter. Often in town chatting with other people and trading furs, meats, and fish!! Generally just a happy guy and cares a lot for Merritt!!
A little worried about Merritt out being the warrior of light tbh but trusts him a lot to 1. always do the right thing and 2. survive.


Au'ra | 7'3" | Marauder of the Twin Adder (deceased)

A quiet Au Ra who can come off as grumpy or antisocial. They don't talk a lot, and even less so about themselves. But, they deeply care about protecting people, and protecting the life that they've created in Eorzea.From the Kha tribe, Enkh lived near Doma and Yanxia most of their life. When the Empire overtook Doma, they tried to fight and were overwhelmed. In a panic, Enkh fled to Eorzea. They traveled to Gradania in attempt to avoid any other Auri, feeling guilt in having run instead of laying down their life to protect their home.Still not back to 100%, Enkh ends up lost and injured in the woods surrounding Gradania, where they meet Miki'ya. Miki takes them in to tend to their wounds, and the two grow close.Once they're recovered enough, Enkh ends up joining the Twin Adder as a way to try and make up for leaving in the first place -- it's not the same, but they do the best they can with what they have.
Eventually they have Merritt.
When the Empire attacks during the Calamity, Enkh stays and fights against them, not willing to run again. They lost their life during the fighting.

Name: Merritt Abbott
Age: 22
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: 29th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon


Merritt grew up a quiet kid in the outskirts of Gradiania; in the woods with his two dads -- Miki'ya and Enkh. He generally kept to his family and played in the woods often playing with other children of travelers or kids that left the city to play. He would venture into the city with Miki'ya, who worked as a hunter and trader, and would sell in the marketplace.
When the Calamity was approaching, Enkh who worked with the Twin Adder, left to support the fight against the Empire. Sadly, during either the battles or from Bahamut, Enkh died.
Once things calmed, that is when Merritt started to venture out more on his own and started to learn to protect himself and others.

A Realm Reborn

Merritt joins the Scions, and spends a lot of the time confused because he was really never into politics or how the world worked before this. Luckily, most the time, Alphinaud is there to explain to him whats going on when he's obviously confused but not bring it up. Between the crystal visions and the politics, he manages to push ahead in order to make sure people are safe (to the best of his ability).
Becoming a lancer, and through those adventures, turn to be the first time Merritt is directly unable to save someone in front of him, and this strengthens his resolve to keep fighting.
Events of ARR happen, and Merritt is desperate to save Thancred, not wanting a repeat of Foulques or Moenbryda.
After defeating Gaius and saving Thancred, Merritt takes a small break to relax a little and fish during the move to the Rising Stones. During this break, he ends up at Crystal Tower.Unfortunately drawn back into politics, Merritt continues to help the Scions out of obligation, and wanting to make sure they stay safe.
Even more unfortunately, this doesn't happen. Ul'dah is thrown into chaos, and the scions are split apart -- Merritt assumes the worse that they are dead. It's a terrible bad time.


SAD AND COLD. Merritt has a terrible time, and bad things keep happening

Heavensward is a turning point where Merritt is becoming aware how Big everything is, and despite having this power and ability to help people, it is not always enough.
He grows closer to people just to have them die just out of his reach.

End of Heavensward patches is when Merritt decides to take some levels in White Mage, in order to possibly be able to help people more than just fighting.


Despite everything, Merritt is able to learn a lot about Enkh's homeland, and while he is there to help regardless, doing so has become more personal. He wants to personally make sure to see Doma free.Zenos' speech at the end makes him feel ill. He wants to make sure that Zenos is wrong, but he can't easily refute it other than by what seems obvious.
The confusion is outweighed by their victory, and he's able to push that aside and simply not think about it. Finally their job is done and he can rest.

Shadow Bringers

Where am I where are my friends is who is this hooded guy